The final tajweed rule is the thickness and thinness of the verbalization of the Arabic letters.

Thickness and Thinness ( Tafkhim and Tarqeeq) Next comes the letter Laam as in the Arabic word for “the” is “al.” the Laam in “al” is said if the letter next to the al is “Qamariyya” (lunar), but silent if the letter next to the al is “Shamsiyya” (solar). These refer to the number of beats that are sounded when a Mudd letter follows a vowel letter.

Prolongation (Muddud) is the next tajweed rule to consider. The Meem Sakinah can be pronounced in three different ways. The next rule is to concern the letter Meem. The Noon Sakinah and Tanween that are often known as vowels sound like a “nnn” sound right after it can be evident in four different ways. While reciting Quran, the letter Noon and the related Tanween is the next rule to consider. These refer to the different features of the letters or the manner of verbalization of the letters. In the fourth part of the tajweed rules, we have the characteristics of letters called Sifaat-ul-Huruf. These points of letters are several regions and places in the mouth, of the lips, and in the throat. In the third part of tajweed rules, Makharij-ul-Huroof or the emission points of the letters are used.

Pure body, clothes, and the place where one is reciting the Quran.The reader must fully understand the meaning and importance of the words and verses.